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A guy with a quest to learn as much as he can about DJing...


nassausky wrote on Tue 17 May 22
For those curious what RekordIT does: RekordIT allows you to record sequences of the onscreen pad presses. For example if you press pads 5,1,5,1,5. Then you can record that sequence so that you can play it back in the future. Maybe one day when I have time to relearn the programming, I'll get back to it and update it and see what I can add or tweak. No promises, I just don't have the time I used to.
nassausky wrote on Tue 17 May 22
Thanks sorry I was heavy into C++ creating the plugins a few years ago. I haven't written in C++ in a while, I'd have to relearn it. I never had a MAC that I could create it for. If anyone still wants to use it on the PC, it seems it only works with the 32 bit versions of Virtual DJ.
cybermousey wrote on Tue 26 Jun 18
Love this plug in, but wish there was one for MAC
chris stringer wrote on Wed 17 Jan 18
bit lost what is rekord it bud whats it supposed to be?
nassausky wrote on Sat 11 Nov 17
When I had a kick for C++ programming, I wrote the plugin to be almost like a macro recorder. In other words you would play a song and record the button presses you do on your mixer custom keys. Make sense?
DJ ARI-G 1 wrote on Fri 24 Mar 17
What does the Rekordit do?
nassausky wrote on Tue 07 Mar 17
OK submitted my first Virtual DJ plugin. Hoping the submission process goes well :)